Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New way to manage customer service experience: social CEM and video analytics

It the past, mystery shoppers and telephone surveys were the only means to discover opportunities for improving customer service experience. Presently, digital technologies open doors to new ways of evaluating CEM and discovering actionable insights into consumer shopping needs and wants. For example, a company can create a process to loop the client's brand/shopping experience data found on company's FB, Twitter, or other social media outlets with the corresponding department within the company that will act on this input to improve CE and turn unhappy customers into brand advocates. The challenge here is to link operations to marketing through "social CEM" and create a dialogue between all parties involved, i.e. company front and back office management, front-line employees and customers.
This is a short summary of an article found on HBR, titled Using Social Network to Improve Operations by Gary Edwards and Mike Amos.
One of the ideas that interested me in this article was that the retailers are not in full control of what's going on in their business on the store level. Historically, mystery shopper practice was designed to solve this issue. What was missing in the past is the technology to allow retailers to know exactly what happens on the sales floor. Such technology is already here, it is called video analytics.

This article talks about the multi-faceted capabilities of video analytics:

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